01 821 9331



ft-square-logo.jpgCETNS have been running Fairtrade Fortnight since 2006. We have organised various events in our school as part of the campaigns such as Fairtrade poetry and art competitions, spray painted Fairtrade bananas and roses around the school as a reminder to buy Fairtrade. We also had a Fairtrade cookery demonstration and in 2015 everyone in the school had a mini Fairtrade meal of Fairtrade banana bread and hot chocolate.

Our staff room is a Fairtrade staffroom where we only stock Fairtrade tea and coffee. We became a certified Fairtrade School in 2014. We also held a survey asking the school population about their Fairtrade purchases, which showed very positive results.


Fairtrade Week Feb. 28th-March 4th 2022
This years topic was Climate Justice.
The climate crisis is already badly affecting global food production. Fairtrade farmers in Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya and Nicaragua, suffer the effects, leaving them working longer, for less, and damaging their community.
There are still many farmers and workers growing the food we eat every day who do not earn enough to feed their families, invest in their community or build resilience against health and climate shocks.
Fairtrade Week we highlight the importance of supporting Fairtrade.
Farmers, campaigners, supporters, shoppers, civil society, commercial partners and the Fairtrade Foundation work together to shine a light on the problems farmers still face, and how we can all be part of the solution by choosing Fairtrade.
Climate justice was never going to be won or lost at one conference in Glasgow. The Fairtrade climate justice campaign will continue in 2022 to increase the pressure to turn promises into action before and during COP27 in Cairo.

The failure to deliver enough progress at COP26 means we can't wait a year for governments to get serious at the next COP summit.

Fairtrade Fortnight 2022 is our next major moment to further amplify the voices of Fairtrade producers on the frontline of the climate crisis and the important role of businesses and consumers in supporting them to build greater climate resilience through Fairtrade.
many of our classes learnt about Fairtrade and why it's so important to buy Fairtrade.
Here is a video of our fairtrade poster/poetry winners this year.


Fairtrade Week 22nd FEBRUARY – 26th February 2021

This year C.E.T.N.S. Fairtrade Week was held on Feb 22nd-26th and the focus was on cocoa. We learnt all about the production of cocoa and as always, reminded ourselves of why it's so important to buy Fairtrade. We had a different approach as we were all remote learning on Seesaw, so we all did various Fairtrade Seesaw activities such as making Fairtrade art, reading Charlie & Lola's But I Do Know ALL about Chocolate, writing about what Fairtrade means to us, looking at production of Fairtrade chocolate etc.
We were very lucky as Lidl and M&S Blanchardstown kindly sponsored us (Lidl €40 & M&S €50) to buy some Fairtrade chocolate for the winners of the Fairtrade art competition and any pupil who made a big effort to buy Fairtrade/write about why it's important to them. We even had a small amount of money left over from the Lidl voucher to buy some FT coffee for the staffroom and compost/bags of vegetable seeds for our school to sow some seeds. So a big thank you to M&S & Lidl.
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Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas!

If you still have some last minute presents to pick up be sure to check out our Fair Guide to Christmas.

Thank you so much for all of your support throughout 2020, despite how difficult the year has been. Wishing you all a better 2021!

Best wishes,

Fairtrade Ireland

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Fairtrade Focus 25th FEBRUARY – 26th February 2019

This year our two guests are; Sara Montoya from the COOPCAFER coffee co-op in Colombia, and Blas Arismendis Marcelinos for the BANELINO banana co-op in the Dominican Republic.
They will be explaining how they and their communities Create Fairtrade for themselves.
Create Fairtrade – Sustainability In Practice
In these links you will find some practical ways to Create Fairtrade –

  • With the Irish Government because they are one of the biggest spenders in Ireland and by asking them for a Fair and Green Procurement Policy
  • In Schools – through engaging with our educational materials
  • In Colleges – by making your campus a Fairtrade College
  • With Irish retailers – because only 9% of bananas sold in Ireland are Fairtrade
  • In our Workplaces – because it’s a great way to increase the volume of Fairtrade coffee, tea and other products that are sold

We also hope you find the time and energy to enjoy Creating Fairtrade in fun and enjoyable ways for yourself, family and friends; and thanks for your ongoing support which makes it possible to do everything we are all able to do!
Kind regards,

The Fairtrade Team

Fairtrade Fortnight 26 FEBRUARY – 11 MARCH 2018

The national Fairtrade Fortnight draws near on 26 FEBRUARY – 11 MARCH, so we will have our annual Fairtrade Focus from Monday March 26th to Wednesday March 28th. details of what’s coming up on a national level can be seen at https://www.fairtrade.ie/get-involved/fairtrade-fortnight/.

Details for our C.E.T.N.S. focus will include a Fairtrade product hunt and display in the foyer, poster competition and classes will learn more about Fairtrade.

There has been a lot of publicity about the terrible waste with approximately 2 million disposable coffee cups currently being sent to landfill sites in Ireland every day! A shocking and sad statistic. We ask everyone in CETNS to consider using a reusable cup when they buy their coffee/tea in a cafe.
The Conscious Cup Campaign, was started in late 2016 by a group of concerned individuals who, inspired by similar initiatives of cafes and citizens around the world, are aiming to reduce and eventually eliminate single use cups in Ireland. They met through the Zero Waste Ireland Facebook Group, and now have the support of VOICE, an environmental charity with expertise in waste prevention initiatives. The central focus points of this campaign will be to encourage individuals to switch to reusable cup and to persuade coffee shops to; one, accept the reusable cups and two offer a reward to those customers, more details can be found at:
Conscious Cup Campaign

Also, our February’s Family STEM challenge will be based on a Fairtrade Challenge such as creating a trashion piece/artwork using Fairtrade packaging.

If you have anything you would like to bring/present for our Fairtrade Focus, please email Elaine at elaine@cetns.ie

14 2025
School Closes 12 o'c In-school Training
17 2025
St Patrick's Day Bank Holiday
11 2025
School Closes 12 o'c
14 2025
Easter Holidays
28 2025
School Re-opens
Castleknock Educate Together NS,
Beechpark Ave,
Dublin 15

01 821 9331

Green School
© 2025 Castleknock Educate Together